

I was recently having a conversation about the profession and what benefit chiropractors bring to the entire healthcare community.  While the scope of practice for chiropractors in Nebraska is wide open, I’m practice fairly narrowly in the sense that I treat back pain, headaches and other spinal/musculoskeletal conditions.  I do not venture into internal disorders, supplements, long treatment plans or try to pretend to read x-rays/MRI’s as a radiologist.

The conversation that I was having was all over the place, but the general consensus that I was trying to get across to the person is that most people are going to eventually get better, treatment or no treatment, my biggest obstacle is time.  I’m trying to beat time for the most part.  But the idea that most of the time when a patient presents to a clinic, you tell a nurse the problem, the doctor may come in and talk for a few seconds and you will be on your way.

Now this is a fairly large generalization, but there is some truth to it.  The premise is that if a patient feels that they are being heard and if they are “touched”, whether that be palpation from a physical exam or from the adjustment itself, there is something therapeutic about the entire process.

A patient in pain will eventually improve but doing the bare minimum in regards to listening and touching the patient will speed up that process immensely.  While I’m not aware of any research out there to prove that physical touch with no therapy speeds up healing, it would not surprise anyone in the profession.

While I have nothing but the utmost respect for other healthcare providers, the one aspect of chiropractic that is unique to the profession is that we physically touch people. Just palpating the neck or lower back seems to be beneficial because the patient feels that they are being heard. Striving for the patient to feel like their concerns are being met with an empathetic ear and touching the painful area can go a long way for chiropractors.

I don’t ever want to get to a point where the ability to talk to the patient and find out the current issue is too much of a burden.  I’ve actually had to slow my thought process down recently, to concentrate on the patient in the current room. I’m trying to take the day one patient at a time and meet the needs of the individual patient.

While this post may seem redundant, it is a reminder to myself and others in the profession to listen with a purpose, have empathy for everyone that comes into the office and touch the painful area while helping the patient through their problem. So, next time you come into my office or any other office, make sure that your concerns are being heard and your needs are being met both verbally and physically.


New toys, new equipment and new technology are always evolving in most professions and chiropractic companies are no different.  There is always a push or pull in order for you to practice a certain way or to sign up for management companies that promise you the world.  The evolving model right now within the profession is a multidisciplinary practice that brings numerous professions under one roof.  While I’m not against the model and I think that it provides a unique opportunity for patients, it will most likely never be the way Spracklin Chiropractic operates.

I’ve considered giving into the management model and give up some autonomy in regards to running a practice but I have enough rationale people in my life that bring me back down to earth.  I have and always will practice with the mantra that if you give people what they want and what they are expecting, your practice will grow and thrive.  It may not be exponential growth that management companies promise but it will be consistent.

Patients for the most part don’t want long term treatment plans that cost thousands of dollars over the course of six months. Most persons that present in the office, have a complaint, normally pain and want to get rid of the pain in as few visits as possible.  Is there a time and a place for lifestyle coaching and pain prevention, for sure.  But what I’m saying is that 90% of the patients that come into the office what to rid themselves of pain and move on with life and come back when some pain or ailment returns.

I have random ideas every once in a while to bring new treatment options or other people into the office, but the thought process comes down to….am I bringing in new things to generate more money or am I doing it to benefit the patient.  I feel that if a therapy can benefit enough patients without bringing a significant cost burden to the patient then it should be considered, but if I’m bringing things in and end up having to push it on patients in order to pay for it; that is self defeating.

I’m in the minority in the profession.  I tend to side towards evidence based practice and despise treatment plans.  I can be fairly vocal about this at time but will never throw a fellow chiropractor under the bus.  My circle of people in my life can be fairly small at times, socially and professionally.  I’m okay with that because I feel comfortable with what I’m doing and don’t feel that people resent the office when they leave.  They may not leave pain-free but I’m aim that everyone at least have a positive experience and doesn’t feel like they are being taken advantage of.

Integrity can go a long way in my opinion.  I feel comfortable with how I practice, it may not be fancy or elaborate but the office is effective.  A quality adjustment, simple stretches, a short little massage or roller table can do the body and symptoms well.  You will not see me out there advertising a discount to get more people in the office in a given week and you will not see me pushing a plan for my existing patients to return for the next 2-3 months.

Boredom hits sometimes around the office but I have been in business for nearly 10 years now and this philosophy has not failed me yet.  The office grows via word of mouth referrals, a little bit of Google Adwords and having existing patients from years ago keep coming back in when they need anything. Gimmicks and other tactics are not used and we plan on keeping it that way.  The old saying that: it takes years to build a reputation and a second to ruin it.  We plan on continuing to practice with integrity, build a quality reputation and giving our patients what they need and want, no more, no less.


The headline of this is kind of a rhetorical statement but the further I go into practice and the more people that approach you, the crazier I think I get.

Would you ever consider bringing on an associate?

I’m never going to say never on bringing on an associate, the issue with bringing someone else on to work, is that everything from practice style to values need to align fairly close.  I’m busy alone by myself and I enjoy my patient base.  I feel that when someone schedules in the office, they know exactly what they are going to get.  It’s on me and my practice style to get them better.  For most people it works wonderful and we get good results, some people not so much.  I have come to understand that I can and will not please everyone, but that’s on me and me alone.  If word vomit comes out of my mouth and I offend someone, that reflects bad on the my practice and livelihood, but its mine.  An associate can reflect bad on the office and I can’t control that as easily as I can control myself.

Would you ever consider sharing space with other professionals?

Not at this time.  Sure I allow a massage therapist to use an extra room in the Minden office but there is a general understanding that she can be there when I’m not there.  I don’t normally play well with others in a professional sense.  I like things to flow a certain way in the office and if that gets interrupted, that’s okay but I don’t really want that to happen all of the time.  I have too much equity and equipment for things that I like to do to be moving things around on a daily basis to accommodate someone else.  I’m getting set in my ways and the extra money that it could potentially bring in is just not worth it to my sanity.

Why are you so passionate about student loan debt and personal finance?

Chiropractic schools essentially don’t really teach anything in regards to debt and money management.  I’m not saying that I’m an expert in these fields at all but I do enjoy the discussions that come about with personal finance.  The most freeing thing that I have ever done in my life was when Kristina and I paid off nearly $180K in student loan debt, basically for a piece of paper.  I at least own my mind and brain at this point.  Aggressive debt payoff is not for everyone but I think more young, aspiring chiropractors should at least consider and think about it for a little bit of time fairly regularly.  If you are waiting for a government program to get rid of your student loans, this may backfire, but I won’t hold my breath.

What kind of car do you drive?

I drive a Honda Civic that I bought when I was a student in Chicago.  Cars are utilitarian to me.  It gets great gas mileage and I haven’t had a car payment on it in probably 7 years. Hell it got sideswiped while parked on the street in Minden.  Guess what, I care but not really because it came down to a little dent and a scratch on the driver’s side, if I drove a brand new vehicle I would have freaked out.  Vehicles just don’t mean that much to me.

What school did you go to and why?

National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, IL.  I wanted an evidence based school in an environment that I would enjoy living in for roughly 4 years.  Patients ask me all the time, did you ever fear for your safety living around Chicago.  Absolutely not, I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, I was between the ages of 21-25 years old and loved every minute.  I met some people that I stay in contact with to this day and would tell anyone interested in Chiropractic school to look at National.  It’s a fairly small school and hardly anyone in Nebraska goes there but I would not change that experience for the world.

Can I shadow you in the office?

I’m starting to get this more often.  I don’t normally like people following me around for the day, as I honestly don’t know my schedule from a day to day basis.  Patients come and go throughout the day and when it gets busy, I don’t really like to slow down and ask people permission to have a student step in.  With that being said, I am more than willing to answer questions and give advice.  Being a source of knowledge is more a key for my more than being around the office in a working setting.

These are just a few of the things/questions I deal with on a daily/weekly basis.  Sure, I have my quirks and there are some people out there that think I’m nuts/crazy but at this point we have a fairly good track record for being an office that people get well and feel comfortable in. I’m an open book with an opinion if you ask.  If you plan on starting an uncomfortable conversation, I will more than likely just walk out of the room because if you trap me, you may not like my opinion.  With all that being said, we are going to continue being an office that people can come to for musculoskeletal complaints and DOT physicals, keeping things simple and getting people better.  Crazy, I’m not sure about that but normal with some quirks, sure, I can go with that.

See everyone in the weeks to come.


Colin and I were at the golf course a couple of weeks ago when all of a sudden I start to have left sided upper back, shoulder blade and neck pain.  Now, I don’t want this to portray that those symptoms should not be a little bit of a concern because that is the classic heart attack symptoms but I knew what I had done and knew why the pain was present.

But the point that I’m really kind of getting at is that whenever I am suffering from some sort of ailment or pain, it never fails that patients will present with this type of pain.  The number of people that have presented recently is uncanny.  I’m young enough to get through most of my aches and pains by myself but this was one of those things that I actually needed help.  To say that it is totally cleared up, I’d be lying to you but it’s kind of weird the things that you try with self care, all of a sudden you start using them on patients because you are essentially your own guinea pig and therapies I would not normally try are now all of a sudden fair game because I’m trying to get out of pain as fast as possible.

I will be the first person to say, that sometimes getting adjusted can make things worse before they get better but I’m in a unique situation that I have colleagues and numerous therapies at my beckon call. The use of massage guns, TENS units, kinesiotape, lasers and roller tables were all used including the occasional adjustment, it’s ultimately getting better but I’m forever grateful that I have all sorts of options that are available.

Every time I have an ache or a pain, it will never fail that patients will start to show up with that kind of pain.  I’m not indicating that I have all types of pain or ailments that people come in with but if you present to the office you should ask if I have been having the same type of pain because it’s almost becoming comical of the symptoms that I am experiencing versus what has been coming into the office.

Projection and perception can be power things in practice.  Doctors and clinicians are not allowed to have a bad day when it comes to dealing with the public.  I’m always having a great day in the mind of the patient and that’s how it’s going to stay.  While chiropractors literally hear people’s aches and pain every day, does it get old at times, sure it does, but ultimately I went into practice for the relationships and helping you.  Sometimes just being a sounding board can be just as therapeutic as the treatment itself.

I can guarantee you that if you were to go into a doctor’s office and they told you how miserable their day is going, the ability to help the patient essentially goes out the door.  Patients want to be heard and want to feel like someone is listening.  Pain can be very motivating factor to seek care, but most pain is temporary in nature but relationships can last decades and as the years go into practice, I’m finding this out pretty clearly.  Form a relationship with the patient and results will follow.

In ending, projection whether it be specific pain symptoms that you are experiencing are interesting because odds are I have dealt with some sort of this pain and trial and error on myself can indicated the course of the treatment.  Secondly, if you ever ask how my day is going, it’s always great, no matter what because the office is there to project a positive feeling and a healing environment.  We are here to help, whether it is an ear to listen or to help with pain that I have experienced.

Come one, come all we will be there for you today and for many years to come.


If you have ever been to a chiropractor in your life, odds are you have seen numerous different techniques and equipment.  While it does make the profession unique it also can be frustrating from a patient stand point.  As the chiropractor, I know what most of the table do and have a general idea of what they are trying to accomplish but I, like everyone else, have a preference.

At this point in my career, I’m getting to a point that I am tired of using equipment that I either don’t like or that is not in that great of shape.  So, over the course of the next couple of weeks you may be seeing a few empty rooms as we are preparing for new equipment that will be coming in.

I am what the profession would consider primarily a Diversified doctor that performed flexion/distraction.  I also prefer to have a Hylo table available in the offices for elderly patients or for those patients that are unable to crawl onto a table.

When most doctors are first starting out, they buy equipment that they can afford, not necessarily the type of equipment that they prefer as some of it can get pricey.  You can pull financing on new equipment at just about any time but that gets old after a while because it just adds to the payments that you would be currently making.  I was in the exact position up until about 3 years ago.  I was using equipment that I didn’t necessarily prefer but made due because I was unwilling to pay the price.

My timing was a little off when I bought these new tables that will be delivered in the middle of March.  I sold my old equipment a little too quickly.  I did not know how much of a demand there would be for the type of equipment that I was trying to get rid of. As a result of this, I am going to have to juggle tables for about 3-4 weeks until my new tables arrive.

Most people have no idea of the cost of this type of equipment, it appears to be super simple but there are some complexities that go along with tables, especially when you have a tall doctor.  While equipment does not have to be expensive, I plan on using it for a long time and when it comes down to it, it is my livelihood.  So, I’ve reached the conclusion to buy equipment that I like and prefer as I don’t plan on getting new stuff for a little while.

There are two sides to the story for a young chiropractor out there, buy brand new equipment that you know exactly how to use and can keep for a long time but end up financing it or do you buy used equipment that can get you by until you find exactly what you like and want to ultimately buy new.  You know the route I went down and I do not regret it in the least.  Buy what you can afford at the time and upgrade as you go, plus your sales guy will like you a little more.

So, if you see a few empty rooms over the course of the next couple of weeks, fear not, they will eventually get filled back up but my timing was not all that great and at the end of the day, the new tables will be there for the long haul with hopefully no major complaints.  We look forward to seeing everyone in the coming days/weeks.


Do you ever look around at businesses and wonder how are they so successful? I often do, I think about how a business works, I’ve said this before that I am very much a numbers person.  I know exactly what I need to do on a weekly and monthly basis to make my business work.  The longer I go into practice I am learning that business can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. We prefer to keep it as simple as it comes.  We would like to think that we are good at a few things and we are going to keep doing those few things as well as we can.

Look around at offices or business in general, I understand that businesses have to adapt, but do you ever wonder that as soon as people start to expand into areas that they are not so knowledgeable about that they loss focus on what they are really good at.

I used to think that I wanted to do all sorts of therapies and keep expanding into areas that may well be in our scope of practice within the state of Nebraska but have no real knowledge on them other than they would bring additional resources/revenue into the office.  I feel that this would be a huge detriment to the office and profession in general, as you loss the overall focus of the office.

I’m reaching a point in the office that we are going to continue to do three things: chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and a bunch of DOT physicals.  There is really no need for us to expand past that point at this time.  We know exactly how to do these things and feel that we can bring extreme value to patients providing these services.

Don’t look for us to be adding stem cell treatments, IV fluid treatments, hyperbaric O2 chambers or expensive decompression tables any time soon.  I have figured out that patients that come into our office are not looking for long drawn out treatment plans or expensive visits, they like simple.

We feel that at Spracklin Chiropractic we provide a wonderful value in care and get great results on conditions that respond well to chiropractic care.  Insurance is worked with and treatments are tailored to the individual.  Discounts are not advertised for you to come into the office.  We are what we are and the procedures that are performed in the office bring about repeatable outcomes for numerous different types of people.

If you give people what they want and the flexibility to make an informed decision you do not need some long drawn out sales pitch/scare tactic to convince yourself that care is necessary. I’m a terrible sales person and I’m brutally honest almost to a fault, so if you are looking for an honest opinion or a second opinion with not a lot of sugar coating, you may find the office refreshing.

Creating a fun, family atmosphere is what we try to do because who doesn’t like to have a good time while they work.  Certain people will catch some grief from me and we may have a good laugh together, this is part of the treatment process.  Sometimes just talking and not thinking about the pain is the most beneficial thing you can do.

We lean towards keeping things super simple in the offices, walk-ins are normally always welcome and insurance is accepted.  If you have ever been turned off by chiropractic due to an office that with a year-long treatment plan, give us a try it may be a low key experience to remember.


Remember when you were a kid and had to go door to door selling candy bars to fund your little league baseball uniforms.  Trust me most of us do.  Now you’re an adult and 80% of the time you have to tell the kid NO.  This is the life of a business owner.

I’m constantly getting pitched MLM pitches for supplements, yearbook ads, sponsorship opportunities and raffle tickets.  It has been said that if you were to give to everyone that walked in the door, you would not be in business because you would be giving away all of you money.

Golf outings, benefit dinners and everything in between are constantly being asked.  I’ve changed my tune a little bit the past couple of years, as I do feel that being present at these events can be a huge asset but there is always something that could be drawing your time and money.

Kristina and I are reaching a point in our lives that we are finding a few causes that are close to our family and those are the things that we give to.

I do not seek out opportunities to give money, we already have a couple of things that are near and dear to our hearts, we give to those regularly and basically without asking.  An email will almost never do it, I have a philosophy that if you are requesting funds/money a simple phone call can go a long way.  Leave a message at the front desk; while Marty and Carol are great gate-keepers they are most certainly not cold hearted enough to just hang up the phone on you.

If you stop by the office, please do not expect an instant answer, we evaluate funding on nearly a daily basis so we take each request on a day-to-day basis. Most of the time, the way to get donations out of Spracklin Chiropractic is to appeal to Kristina; I feel that I have essentially become numb to the requests and am relatively accustomed to saying no, but Kristina has a little bit of a soft spot for certain people/organizations that make an effective pitch.

The point of the post is to make the point, that just because you do not see Spracklin Chiropractic on a lot of advertising and sponsorships is not because we do not want to be, in fact a lot of times if the cause is near and dear to us, we would gladly give, but it’s that we were just not asked.  We are not locals of either community that we work/live in.  Living in the area for 9-10 years does not necessarily make you a local person, we were born and raised in other parts of the state.

We get asked all the time, are you new to town? Well, the definition of new has to be defined, but I would say no.  Spracklin Chiropractic has been in business for roughly 9 years in Kearney and almost 5 years in Minden.  While we may be relatively new to the business world around the area, we are fairly easy going people that try to help causes we find valuable to ourselves or the community as a whole.

This is by no means a solicitation to send all time/monetary requests in, but just know that we try to be involved and give back to the communities that have provided our family a wonderful livelihood and opportunities and hope to continue for the foreseeable future.


I have talked a few times about the therapies that our offices offer and this post may come back to bite me in the butt because my preference and ideas have changed a little bit over the past year or so. Normally we offer electric stim, ultrasound, combo ultrasound, acupuncture and last year we added a low level laser to our repertoire.

I have always leaned pretty heavily on electric stim and ultrasound because people like them and they normally feel good, but I’m finding out that they don’t have much benefit long term in regards to clinical improvement.  While the patient may like it while the therapy is being performed, the long term benefit is limited.

I will always have a preference to combo ultrasound for SI joint and lower back pain because I have seen some great results over the past couple of years with this type of therapy. Most of time when a patient presents to the office, it will scream combo ultrasound in my head as they are describing the symptoms and they will fall within a very specific criteria for that particular therapy.

Acupuncture is a whole different animal and I don’t really know why I even consider it a therapy because it could be a treatment all in itself.  It is normally a therapy of last resort unless the patient requests it.  Radicular leg pain with lower back pain can and will respond well to acupuncture, we use it quite a bit for headaches and honestly we are starting to get into using for extremities including symptoms of carpal tunnel and tennis elbow.

Now, let’s get into the topic of laser therapy for a little bit. If you would have asked me a year ago what my thoughts are about laser, I would have him-hawed the answer and tried to move onto another topic. But I bought a laser about a year ago and we have been getting some pretty cool results with it.  From people that come in with neck pain, elbow pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis and even our bread and butter, back pain. I have started to use it more over the past couple of months and the results continue to impress me.

The purpose of therapies is to induce a healing response to a specific area, whether that is with an electrical current, a needle or a high powered light. More and more research is coming out to show that laser therapy can be beneficial for a wide array of conditions. Research is a crazy thing when it comes to these therapies because our profession is not known for doing wide ranging research and just taking a sales pitch and running with it.

If you know me at all you will know that I can be one stubborn SOB, but I will not be outdone by other practices when it comes to having the best options available for patients.  Recently I purchased a second laser so that I won’t have to transport a laser back and forth between offices; I will literally have no excuse.  Both offices are set up almost exactly alike, if you come to one, you will get the exact same treatment as the other.

In all seriousness, if you haven’t tried the laser yet, you may want to give it a try as it may be that missing piece that will get you over the hump, whether it is headaches, back pain, ankle pain, elbow pain or anything in between, you may be surprised what a session or two can do.


This was one of those weeks where I needed to have this conversation a couple of times, while I do have it from time to time, it can sometimes be a bitter pill to swallow for some patients.

When a patient comes in to the office and has a specific complaint, most often than not, it will be something along the lines of neuropathy or radiculopathy is present.  A “pinched nerve,” is what most people will describe it as. Now I make absolutely no promises in our offices as to how many visits it will take to get rid of the pain or symptoms we are able to help with, heck, sometimes we can’t help but we are sure going to try.

I’m about as far from anti-MD as it comes in the chiropractic profession, I have absolutely no problem working with all types of medical professionals.  But there is a general trend when I refer people out for further evaluation.  If there is one pet peeve of mine this is it: we attempt care for a few visits, you get minimal benefit, primary care gets a visit, imaging takes place and then 10-12 visits to a physical therapist follow; possible specialist referral follows.  Pain may or may not still be present but I always kick myself in these cases.

I think there is a statistic to show that 99% of back pain with radicular symptoms are non-surgical cases, basically conservative care is the appropriate course of action.  So the moral of this thinking is: give chiropractic care a chance, it may take more than 2-3 visits, but what we are finding that if you give treatment a try for a week or two with visits that are close together, relief can be found.  We do a lot of the same therapies and exercises that a physical therapist can perform and most of the time imaging is not necessary, this is not intended to be anti-physical therapy, we are just able to accomplish the same results.

Most people would not want to know the statistics of the number of false positives that show up on MRI’s that indicated herniated or bulging discs.  I think research shows something like 30-40% of people are walking around with asymptomatic disc herniations.

I love imaging as much as the next guy but my underlying question for most people with some slight arm or leg numbness, does this actually change the course of action.  That is why most guidelines allow for 10-12 visits of conservative care (physical therapy or chiropractic) before imaging is allowed because as soon as imaging is performed, the odds of medical intervention (injections or surgery) increases.  As I stated before, I’m not opposed to sending people out for medical interventions but I’m getting to a point that conservative care should be given a fair shot before we lead you down that road.

If you walk into an office and the y try to sell a 6-12 month treatment plan that costs thousands of dollars, I would tell you from a personal experience, run.  I will be the first person to tell you that treatment can take several visits but it should not cost a year of your life and a good chunk of your bank account.

So when you come into our office as a new patient or with new symptoms, I may start having the conversation, give us a chance to succeed.  1-2 or even 3 visits is not necessarily a fair shot, but if you give us a couple weeks I can promise that if relief is not being found, we will attempt numerous therapies and stretches, another route will be explored.  Don’t be so quick to dismiss conservative care, it could keep you from going down a rabbit hole that will be far more expensive and painful and often times not that much more successful.


As most of the patients of Spracklin Chiropractic know, we perform DOT physicals.  We perform this service for local trucking companies, school bus drivers, persons that don’t necessarily need a CDL but need a medical card and for just people that are passing through on the interstate.  The fact that I even have to write this post is quick ridiculous in the first place.

We are told everyday from patients that come in for their physical that they are informed by their medical doctor that they are more qualified to perform the physical.  This is absolutely not true.  The federal government is in charge of making sure that providers are qualified.  We all sit through the same class and take the EXACT same test.  Heck, I know of medical providers that were not able to pass the test.  I think I was one of the first 10 people in the state to be certified back in 2013. So, if someone tells you that our clinic is not qualified to perform the exam, I’ll call BS every time.

Now, I will concede that there are people that need to see the primary care provider to perform this exam, as they have health conditions that need to be monitored more closely than we can provide in our office.  If you have underlying heart or internal issues that need to be followed up with by a specialist, then more documentation may be necessary.

I initially took the Medical Examiner course because I thought it looked like an interesting topic for continuing education hours.  A couple of weeks after I took the course, I took the test in Council Bluffs, as it was not offered around here, and passed the first try in about an hour.  I did my fair share of studying but got through it.  I never had any intention of doing as many physicals as I do, but come to find out, I’m ecstatic that I do.

Medical exams give me a break throughout the day and make you think about other health concerns not related to back pain.  With the new office in Kearney, I essentially have a dedicated room where I perform these exams.  The Minden office is in the same situation.

I have now reached the point where I’m embracing the fact that I want to actually expand the amount of DOT physicals that I perform.  The issue arises from that fact that the area that I live in, there is a finite population in an area that is only so big for the number of providers to go around. So in order to have more people come in to our office, they are going to not go to other offices.  Trust me, I don’t want to do them all day long but if I could do 2-3 more a week, this is what I’m aiming for.

We do not perform drug testing in the offices.  I’m actually certified to perform them, but have absolutely no desire to perform them.  This is a service that I outsource.

When a patient walks in and needs a DOT physical, we perform the exam and get everything ready to go.  It’s not a crazy comment to hear when the person says, that’s the most in depth physical that I have ever had for a DOT physical.  This is a little nutty for me because I look at it as “Aren’t we all supposed to be doing this?”

So, if your provider ever tells you that they are more qualified to perform a CDL examination, by all means let them perform your exam but just know, we can provide the same physical in a shorter time period for nearly half the cost of most clinics.  I have a National Registry number just like everyone else that performs these and would feel honored to perform a physical for you or your company.


Providing effective natural chiropractic care to the Kearney Community.

Copyright by Spracklin Chiropractic 2023.