

This past weekend, the Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association spring convention was hosted in Omaha.  It was the first time in 6 years that I have not gone to a convention.  Our continuing education hours reset in August as well and convention is where most chiropractors get their hours.  I have my required hours for the two year time frame, but I’m the guy that worries about, what if the hours that I have somehow get disqualified?

I genuinely could not justify going to convention this past weekend when I have all of my continuing education hours and I am going to be out of the office from Wednesday to Saturday this week.  So all day Friday I felt like the bad kid skipping class.  Ask my classmates, I never missed class, but that sense of guilt is really hard to break.

As I have stated in the past, I am on a mission to pay off my student loans.  Every month I look at my bank account and make sure that the money is all in order for the automatic withdrawal to go smoothly.  This worry will eventually go away when the loan is paid off but it is still a stress point for Kristina and I.  We have made a massive dent in the amount that I owe and the goal is to have this paid off sooner rather than later.

Every week and month, I know exactly how many patients I need to see in order to make the offices go.  I take this on a week by week basis as it seems to be a day to day goal as opposed to looking at the numbers at the end of the month.  This might sound crazy but it is one of the few things that make my mind tick and work like it does.  So, I worry when Wednesday and Thursday roll around and take note that it has been a slow week.

Every week, the number is attained and we continue to keep going.  I have started to lessen on this, as I seem to worry a lot about something that is attained nearly every week.  If it is not met, the next week makes up for the slight lag.  Unfortunately, this stresses me out but it has been lessening with time.

Heck with the winter weather, I worry about not only getting to the given office on a day but how is the snow going to get scooped off the sidewalks.  I guess this is just how I am wired, I hate it some days and love it the next.  It allows me to keep accountability with myself and others.

Whether it be weather, travel, patient numbers, student loans or other things that seem to get me worked up, the office does seem to click along well with no major hiccups on a day to day basis.  You would think that my blood pressure would be through the roof, but surprisingly it is good up to this point as well. 

So, while I try to figure out how to direct my stress and worries (summer is a little better as I have the golf course to direct some of my energy), I will continue to show up and try to make a difference every day.  When I am working, the stresses are minimal but try not to catch me in that weak moment as I can and will fret about the smallest of details if I allow myself to.

Business has been going well, patients are getting improvements and my blood pressure seems to be in check, so life is good at the moment and we hope to continue this momentum into the future.


My parents have always instilled in me that half the battle in life is just showing up.  When I was in undergrad at UNK, we did attendance checks so there was no real significant chance of me missing class.  While at National, I hardly ever missed a class.  The very first test that I ever took at National, I epically failed.  I started to question myself and if I was cut out for this profession, but little did I know I was not alone in my feelings.

I remember calling my parents and Kristina, both were a sense of calm for me at the time.  The one thing that my dad has always told me and he told me at that time, is that if you show up to class, you will at least get a C.  While this is not necessarily true, the principle holds true.

The last couple weeks the weather has been up and down in central Nebraska and the daily schedule can get a little crazy due to travel conditions and people not wanting to get out in the weather.  The one constant with our offices is that we have not missed a day and patients always seem to reward you for that decision.

On Friday, Minden Public Schools ended up canceling school due to icy conditions.  I drove to Minden from Kearney at 6:15 in the morning and was ready to see patients by 7.  It ended up being a crazy busy day.  A snow storm was coming into central Nebraska overnight and I had almost zero anticipation that I would make the trek to Arnold the next morning based on the forecasts.  I woke up at 5 AM to look out the window to see that the forecasts were largely wrong.  I checked the road conditions and it was doable, so I made the 80 mile trip.

My patient bases have largely rewarded me for this, if you are present and consistent, people will start to take notice and reward you for the travels.  Arnold weather over the last month has not been all that great, but I was able to make the trek and patients always manage to make their way into the office.  It’s funny when they walk in and while they have been surprised that I am there, they are greatly appreciative that I am.

If I closed the office every time I didn’t feel well, the office would be closed quite a bit.  As the years go, I have noticed, the days that you don’t feel the best will almost always be the busiest days and the days that you feel like you could conquer the world are the days the phone stagnates.

It is always interesting to me when you speak to patients that come from towns that have numerous chiropractors in the town that they live in and one of the main things that I hear from them is that they know when I am available and when I am in the office, it is fairly easy to make an appointment work in their schedule. 

I have started to think about some of the intricacies of practice and this is a major theme that I feel gets overlooked, just showing up when you say that you will be there and be consistent with it.  People know what to expect and when to expect it.  The office will try to accommodate just about anything within reason but most requests are not crazy because the hours and services are basically known before the person even asks.

The moral of this rant is, maybe my parents weren’t all that crazy when they said half the battle in life is just showing up.  If you are consistent, show up and work hard when you are present, the rewards will be vast.  Whether you are a college student, graduate student, new business owner or working for the man just show up, continue to show up.  People will notice and good things will happen, it may take awhile but it will be noticed.

Karma is a great thing and being present can help the rewards come your way.


This post is going to be more of a rant than informative.  Patients come into the office with numerous complaints and everyone in a healthcare field can relate to things like this, the problem that I have with this is what exactly does your insurance cover.

There are certain insurance that cover only spinal complaints, I am okay with that for the most part, heck I have even reached a point that if these people come in with a shoulder, knee, elbow, or wrist complaint I will tell them to seek care elsewhere for these complaints as their insurance will pay for such services.

At our office we are perfectly capable of taking care of a wide variety of musculoskeletal complaints, including extremities, ultrasound, electric stim, diathermy, and acupuncture/dry needling are available to patients that desire such services. 

The main reason that I write this post: early this week, I had a patient that has tennis elbow, lateral epicondylitis is the more formal term, she has been going to physical therapy for the condition.  Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with her seeking care with another provider, but when I asked what services that she was receiving, she indicated that she was icing, ultrasound, and stretches along with a brace that she is supposed to be wearing while at work.

I got to thinking …I can do all of these services in my office.  I refuse to get into the argument of which profession you should use because I send a fair share of patients to physical therapy for things that I do not have the knowledge or time to take care of in our office.

Chiropractic is an ever evolving profession but at what point will we finally determine that extremity care is well within our scope of practice and most chiropractors are perfectly capable of handling these types of complaints and should be reimbursed by medical insurances.

Now I understand that there are chiropractors out there that do not have the knowledge or belief that they can help with these conditions.  I am not appealing to those individuals, I am appealing to those people that have a say in the insurance industry to allow chiropractors to perform services that are well within the scope of practice and are taught on an extensive basis in chiropractic school.

At my alma mater, we learned things that I may never use: labs, pelvic exams, and prostate exams.  I don’t plan on using these services because I feel that there are other professionals that are more experienced with these services.  I know how to spot a concussion but I don’t know enough about the protocol to determine if someone is safe enough to return to activity.

If there are chiropractors that are educated and experienced in these services by all means, they should be covered and encouraged to provide these services.  But insurance companies need to get up to date on what different professions actually are knowledgeable and educated in.

As I said earlier, I am not discouraging other professions from continuing to provide the services that they are allowed to provide but chiropractors need to start to get on the same page so that the profession can move forward to provide services that most chiropractors know how to treat but are not reimbursed for from different insurance companies.

Another quick thought that will enrage some people in my field of work: I believe that chiropractors should have a very limited medication list that they are able to prescribe, mainly a muscle relaxant that will allow some patients to get a little relief as opposed to running into the clinics or urgent care to get medications, where most of the providers roll their eyes and send people on their way, but proper education and training needs to be available.


This past week I was a little under the weather and I did not have to work at all this weekend, this really did help as it was just a weekend of rest for me.  We now have a blizzard moving in which will extend my weekend one more day until I have to start clearing snow. 

I was scrolling through Facebook and then my phone buzzed and I was informed that one of my professors from National had passed away.  I don’t know what exactly Dr. Richardson passed away from but he is the second professor that I have lost since I have been out of school.  Dr. Vyas and Dr. Richardson were two of my favorites at National because they had such a passion for the subjects that they taught.  They both had a love for life, smiles were always on their faces.

I think back to my time at National, Dr. Richardson and Dr. Vyas were normally the highlight of your day as they could talk to you about anything and everything and genuinely cared about the well-being of the student.  Most students would agree with this sentiment.  The subjects that they taught were not glamorous by any stretch, Dr. Vyas taught pathology and Dr. Richardson taught Phamacology, both tough subjects but both men made the topics tolerable.

They truly found their passions in life.  I absolutely love what I do for a living but this past week was very tough to have an optimistic outlook as I was constantly fighting my own body in order to help those that were coming into the office. 

It can be very tough to help others when you don’t feel all that great to begin with, that is why this weekend came at such the perfect time.  It was a rare weekend that I did not have to travel to Arnold and did not have any other obligations that I was required to be at.  It gets you thinking and little bit of a fire in your belly to get back to the office and create a positive energy in other people’s lives just at Dr’s Vyas and Richardson did for me and countless other students at National.

January can really test your patience and commitment as normally it is a slow month as people start to get back into a routine after the holidays.  So keeping a smile on your face and an optimistic attitude can be trying some days; really hard this week when you feel under the weather.

A passion what brought into the classroom everyday with Dr’s. Richardson and Vyas and I feel that I should practice with this same enthusiasm and optimism everyday that I walk into the offices.  This is one of the few things that you can control on a daily basis. 

Have fun, enjoy what you do, smile, make patients feel better, and find an optimism that patients can feed off of on their road to improvement.  These are all things that you can bring to the office and it will bring a sense of calm and purpose to everyone that walks through the door.  Not only that if you can present a sense of calm, normally you present with more confidence, this is passed onto the patient and things seem to go a lot smoother during the course of treatment.

Try to show up to your office with a passion, smile more and ultimately it will help you succeed in practice and help as many people as possible during the process.

Rest in Peace Dr. Richardson, keep marching and smiling up with the big guy.


I graduated from chiropractic school in 2012.  That seems like a long time ago in my mind but it’s not really that far off.  I started my own practice in 2013 and a satellite office that same year.  2014 was a fairly uneventful business year, other than some “newer” equipment.  We purchased a building in Arnold in 2015 and purchased a business and building in Minden in 2016.  2017 brought about a learning year, as I was still trying to figure out how to manage 3 locations. 

The biggest equipment purchase that I have ever made was done in 2017 and we feel that we have everything in place that we need to succeed for the long run.  At this point, we are not looking to purchase any more equipment or buildings at this time (I will never say never but nothing on the horizon).  What I am hoping 2018 brings is a growing and stability period. 

My wish is to grow the DOT/CDL business in Minden and continue to grow the patient bases at all of the locations.  As many people know, I am all about the known and stability in business.  I am hoping that 2018 is a year of stability.  Every year that I have been in practice, there has been a big decision that has either cost us time or money. 

I’m not saying that the time effect will get much better as the years go but Kristina and I like to sit down and project the coming year and we genuinely don’t see any large things coming this year.  We are hoping that this will allow the business to get to a comfortable place, continue to grow and be able to get to a comfortable level on the personal side.

I have always been told that if you want something to grow your business….just ask:

The things that I am hoping to do in 2018:

  1. Continue to grow the DOT/CDL market….we do DOT/CDL physicals on bus drivers, truck drivers and people that haul trailers on a regular basis that go over a weight limit, if you know anyone that would benefit from this service please let them know of our office.
  2. See a few more personal injury and auto accident cases.  This is not a huge part of the practice but I do enjoy working with these cases.  Car accident victims and people that are hurt on the job, I would love to talk to these people to see if our office can benefit the patient.
  3. Headaches and low back pain, I enjoy dealing with headache, patients with tension, migraine and cervicogenic headaches benefit from chiropractic care and the relief is normally instant.  Low back on the other hand, is a common occurrence and we have all of the necessary things to help out these patients and get them pain free in a short amount of time.
  4. Lastly, there is more and more evidence that people are seeking alternative pain options and chiropractors can serve an important role in this.  Acupuncture and chiropractic care are performed in the office and both can help relieve symptoms that patients are experiencing.

This is more of a wish list for 2018 and this is not much of a blog post but I do feel that if you write down the things that you hope to accomplish in the coming months, it can hold you accountable to these goals.  If you know anyone that can benefit from the convenience and services of the office, please pass our name along and we look forward to working with everyone in 2018.


I made one last trip to Arnold yesterday morning to wrap up a successful 2017.  This was the first full year that included the Minden office.  When we purchased the office, Kristina and I knew that managing 3 offices would be a lot of work.

2017 was a smoothing out process.  It was learning a routine year and getting into a groove.  Three days in one town, two in another and a couple Saturday’s a month can be a real drain on resources and energy.  Every day when I show up to the offices, the patients are really what make my day.  I may not be able to get the results that I expect for everyone that steps foot in the offices, but the people are what make me keep come back.

If you know me even a little bit, you will know that my social life is pretty limited, so I look at my patients more as family and friends then I do patients and I thank them for that, all of my flaws and all.

Kristina and I knew that a learning curve was going to be necessary when purchasing a practice, but everything has gone fairly smooth on that end, minus a few insurance glitches, 2017 was relatively drama free for all of the offices.  Purchasing new equipment and moving some around so that all of the offices offer the same services was a big point for me this year as I felt that I owed it to people to have consistency between offices.  The new equipment has help save me and my body from further discomfort and it allows for patients optimal care.  We hope to improve equipment as the years go as well.

The outside of the office in Minden was also updated to a clean look that fits my personality, some people still drive right by the office as it does look different from the last 30 years.  We are proud of the updates and hope to put a little more signage of the building in the coming months.

The Arnold office is the one that continues to amaze Kristina and I.  I have always said that if nobody showed up, then I would not continue to go, but ever since I started going to the small Sandhills town around 4.5 years ago, I have never been disappointed.  I may not have a single appointment scheduled for the day but I continue to make the trek and patients always seem to show up, sometimes in droves.  I was told that consistency matters and the Arnold office is a truth serum for that theory, I show up 2-3 Saturday’s a month and patients continue to come in, and for that we cannot thank you enough.

The Kearney office is, ole trusty for me.  It’s my comfort zone.  I live in Kearney, so I can go home for lunch and my wife is normally around in case I may need something in an emergency.  Kearney continues to grow and is heavy with DOT/CDL Physicals.  We hope to grow this service in Minden but I will continue to work and enjoy my Kearney days as I can be a little bit of a breather in my hectic day-to-day life.

Thinking back, outside of professional obligations, I can only think of about 4-5 days that I took off during 2017.  I hope to change this in 2018 as I need to take better care of myself, so as a treat to myself, I am going to take January 2nd off in order to regroup for the year and hope to hit the ground running again on January 3rd.

As the calendar flips over to 2018, we hope to continue to grow all three locations and look forward to helping as many patients as we can.   We cannot thank our patients enough in this incredible journey, Kristina and I took a leap of faith in 2013 and 2016 and we hope that it continues to pay off.  We know that growth will be slower the more established I become but it is right on track for where we were hoping it would be.

I will continue to plug along treating patients, looking to add new services, performing insurance reviews, expanding DOT/CDL services and working on paying down debt.  2017 has been a huge stepping stone in this direction on all fronts and we hope that 2018 continues this path.

We look forward to a prosperous 2018 and hope that it brings the same to everyone.


I am on numerous Facebook groups with other chiropractors and questions are asked about practice building, referrals and most recently a question was asked about student loans.  Now if you have read any of the previous posts, you will know that this is a topic that I have become passionate about. 

The question that was raised was what everyone in the group was doing with their student loans, I chimed in and started to talk about how young chiropractors should start moving away from income based repayment and just get serious about paying off your student loans.  I have talked about this exact topic in the past: trust me you can either pay now or pay later but you will end up paying your loans back one way or the other.

As expected, most people that replied to the comment were not all that useful for the person that was asking the question.  Most people are using the income based repayment method and most don’t want to think about the topic at the current moment. 

The main problem that I see with this, there were numerous people that were complaining about how they can’t get ahead of the interest or how school is so much more expensive now than it was in the past and how new graduates have it so much harder than older chiropractors.  Now, I will not argue with you when you say that tuition is much higher now than it was 20 years ago and that interest rates are crazy in comparison to all other forms of interest.  But ultimately what good does this do for anyone.

You can complain all day about anything and everything, trust me I do it sometimes to, but when it comes to paying off loans, building a practice or running a business at the end of the day complaining or making excuses will only hinder your progress.

Kristina and I have quickly figured out that as soon as you own up to paying off loans and building a successful practice it will happen a lot more effectively and efficiently than if you just sit around and complain about how hard the process actually is.  You will have to make sacrifices and it will not be that glamorous of a process but when it is all said and done it will be worth it.

The same can be said about building a successful practice and business.  If no patients are coming in the door and you are not making enough money to pay the bills, trust me it does no good to sit around in an empty office and dream about what you might have.  You have to go out and work for it, it is a grind and it’s not fun some of the time, but as soon as you figure out how to enjoy the journey, the practice will flourish.

I think the one thing that Kristina and my family will most appreciate when the loan payoff is complete is the fact that I will stop talking and obsessing about it, but after all of the work that I have put into researching the topic, I do plan on continuing to spread the word and making sure new graduates are aware of the benefits of the refinancing process.


Let’s say you walk into a medical doctor’s office and you complain of hip pain.  I would put money on it that the doctor will ask you about the hip, how it happened and then examine the area that is injured.  While I would like to think that this happens in chiropractic offices, I can almost guarantee that this is not the case in all offices. 

You can drive around Kearney, where I am located, or any other city and there are chiropractors on just about every street corner.  If you were to walk in the 10 different offices, I bet you would get at least 5-6 different opinions on how to treat the pain.  I’m not saying this is a bad thing but it makes the profession look strange as a patient cannot go to other offices or chiropractors and expect to get the same results or types of treatment.

You could walk in to one office and they may just adjust your upper neck for all types of pain, you walk into other and you get adjusted manually (which is how I practice), another chiropractor may use an activator (that little “clicky” thing) for all of your complaints and another might not adjust you at all and recommend nutritional supplements for all of your ailments.

This diversity makes the profession great but it also makes it very frustrating in the fact that most people do not know exactly what they are walking into when they schedule an appointment for the first time.  Chiropractors seem to have every trick in the book to cure every ailment.  The newest laser might be the newest thing, a foot detox to get all of your body toxins out or the use of crystals to heal you from magnets.  I’m not going to say that any one of these things are better than what I do, I just feel that the profession needs some consistency when it comes to standard treatment.

Evidence based guidelines exist to support the use of manipulation in regards to low back pain, neck pain and headaches.  Heck there are even studies out there to support adjustments in regards to blood pressure, but there are at least researched guidelines to show that this is effective and it works.  The newest recommendations indicate that manipulation should be considered a first line option in the treatment of lower back pain.

Now, medical professionals have sub-specialties that help differentiate what they specialize in and the things that they can handle, but chiropractors do not.  I’m not going to get into the argument on what chiropractors should be treating but in general if you stick with what you know and what you went to school for, you will be better off in the end and not just what is going to make me the most money in the short term.  Ultimately, chiropractors should be very well versed in musculoskeletal conditions and then maybe dabble in other things. 

While diversity is a great thing about the profession it is also one of the major down falls.  My vow to you, is that when you walk into any of the offices that I run, if you have low back pain, we will examine and treat the low back and the same can be said about the neck and middle back.  If you have questions in regards to general health, I give recommendations and hope to guide you in the right direction.  I will not sell you supplements in my offices and will do my best to work with you primary care doctor as much as I can.  This cannot be said about every chiropractor but this is the way I was trained, this is the way I practice and this is the way I intend to keep my practice as long as I am around.


I have recently had a lot of thoughts running through my head about this topic, it relates to the offices and to my life in general.  I have a general rule of thumb that you should strive for better things in life and that you should work hard to achieve those things, but at what cost are you willing to go through to see that happen.

Kristina and I have a perfectly nice home in a quiet neighborhood in Kearney.  Kristina actually bought the house without me ever stepping foot or seeing it in person.  She did a really good job, but recently I had an urge that I wanted to go and look at a couple of homes.  Not necessarily that I wanted to buy anything, I just wanted to see what money could buy you in Kearney, as I had never been through the process.  Kristina was a little scared as she knows that I can be impulsive at times.

After looking at two homes, Kristina and I came back to our home and realized that we have exactly what we need in our current home and that moving to another home would not benefit us in the least.  This gave me a sense of contentment as to the things that I have in my life and how I need to be more appreciative of those things that we are able to be surrounded by.

This past weekend, I looked at Kristina and told her that looking at those houses was probably the best decision that I have made in a long time because it put things into perspective for me that I have never really thought about, just be content with the things that you have and be humble in the things that you have in your life.

I have been attempting to take this to the office on a daily basis as well.  I have been reading a lot of Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee) and have been using positive thinking to help myself feel better on a daily basis.  This time of year can be up and down with people finishing up with harvest and clean up but I continue to keep a positive attitude in order to keep my sanity throughout this time.

Seeing 40-60 patients a day is something that I just do not want to do, I like my sanity and this would take a lot of it away from me.  I have become content with seeing the patients that come in the door and keep moving.  There are days that you question, “why am I doing this,” but for every day that you ask yourself that question, there are days that you say, “I can’t do this pace every day.”   With that being said, I love to have the time to spend with the patients and get to know everyone on a personal level, but those busy days simply do not allow for that, so having a happy balance is key for me.

Contentment has been going through my head a lot recently as I don’t need more stress in my life at this time and I am starting to recognize that my life is pretty good and that sometimes bigger and better is not always the path to happiness.

Sure, I took out business loans to purchase a practice and have student loans, but if I look at the blunt numbers, if can be very daunting, but if I take the numbers into perspective and see how far we have come it can ease the burden.  We would not change anything up to this point, as we have lived, learned and grown throughout the process.  Kristina and I are better people for the decisions that we have made up to this point. 

We have decided to just enjoy the things that we have in life and to make the best of it.  This is more of a mind set for us and we have made a conscious effort to enjoy the journey and the process of building a practice and life around multiple prosperous, successful offices.

The process is not always fun but if you can find contentment in what you do on a daily basis the journey is so much more enjoyable and the reward at the end can be so much sweeter.


As many of you know, I am not the most patient person in the world.  Whether it be treating patients and not getting the results that you need, starting a practice and hardly seeing any patients or updating a home and not seeing the results as fast as you want it to be.

Kristina and I recently did some updates to our home, I’m not new to this but in my mind I feel like there should be a timeline that should be followed and if it does not go according to the timeline in my head, I start to get irritated.  My patience runs really thin when things do not go according to the plan in my head, I will admit I am getting a lot better with this as the years go and with me taking a different perspective.

When I first started my own practice, I quickly learned that things are not just handed to you.  Patience is a huge factor in this as it can be a grind both mentally and physically.  It is very easy become discouraged but everything that I was told in the early days was, just be patient and do a good job and people will start to recognize this.

The same can be said with patient care, patience really can be a virtue as results are not necessarily instantly seen, as much as both the patient and I might hope for.  Sometimes one more visit or one more therapy may be exactly what the situation needed in order for the symptoms to subside, but this can be difficult to portray as most people do not want to wait to feel better.

When our home was undergoing the updates, not only was dust flying but we were without our normal amenities for roughly a week and a half.  I am a creature of habit so having things not in their normal place or not being able to use parts of the house that you are accustomed to makes it irritating.  The results are wonderful and I would not trade it, but the process to get there is not my favorite.

Student loans can also grind at you like this, but if you have a plan and you stick to it, it will be well worth the wait.  Patience, is key to this issue.  I have talked about this before, but if you set forth on a journey, no matter how long the journey, if you have a little patience it will most definitely pay off in the end.

When we set out on the journey of starting our own practice, it was not all rainbows and butterflies, you will have days that are miserable, sometimes you won’t get the results that you were expecting and everyday will throw something at you that you are not expecting, but I have learned that patience can be key to this business building formula and just showing up.  My parents have always to me that half the battle in life is just showing up.  I have taken this motto to heart recently.

Granted, I know that patience is not one of my best attributes but learning to have a little and going with the flow a little more often will more than likely lead to more self-satisfaction and overall a better attitude toward the work that I am trying to accomplish.  Just remember that when you are trying to build a practice, pay off student loans or treating a difficult patient that patience can be key to the process and most of the time the journey makes the end goal so much more rewarding.


Providing effective natural chiropractic care to the Kearney Community.

Copyright by Spracklin Chiropractic 2023.