At Spracklin Chiropractic acupuncture is used as a treatment modality for pain and for treatment of internal disorders. Acupuncture is used at the site of pain to release pain endorphins at that specific site for pain relief. In respect to the internal disorders we do not claim to treat the conditions only to supplement the current treatment routine that you as the patient are currently seeking.
Traditional chiropractic care focuses on relieving pressure from nerves of the nervous system to allow the body to heal more naturally. Conservative care have proven to help people get through the pain and discomfort without the harsh side effects of medication. Chiropractic has been shown effective for headaches and neck discomfort. Research is showing that in some cases chiropractic care can be as effective as low back surgery.
All medical examiners will need to be certified through the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration. Dr. Spracklin is one of the few physicians in Buffalo County that is currently registered to provide such exams. Many times same day service for the exam can be accommodated. If you would like details on corporate rates please contact the office.
Physiotherapy is performed in the office include ultrasound, electric stim, Russian stim to stimulate muscle growth and combo ultrasound in order to reduce inflammation in specific areas.
Drug & Alcohol testing are offered along with DOT Physicals. We offer collection site services along with running our own consortium to keep you and your company compliant.