Start Small: Drug & Alcohol Testing Style

October 21, 2023 by Andrew Spracklin

October 2012 is when I first passed my FMCSA medical examiners test.  This test allowed me to perform DOT/CDL physicals. The first couple months, I did maybe 1-2 physicals per month.  The first couple of years I did maybe, 4-5 a month.  The time period that it took allowed me to become comfortable with the process, the exam itself and the reporting process.  In 2013, the Department of Transportation required that you pass its testing requirements.  Come to find out at the time, I was one of the few people in the state that was ahead of the requirement.  This was honestly not my intention but it turned out to be a reality I was living. We have recently just passed another 10 year recertification.

Fast forward nearly a decade, I’m not going to divulge the number of physicals that I perform on a daily, weekly or monthly basis but it can be said that I found a market that I am very comfortable in, know the regulations and have a solid understanding of the process for the drivers that come in. We field questions daily on the process and from all walks of the profession of how to abide by the rules, keep compliant with regulations and keep driving going with minimal interruption.

There are people that return to our office every year or two for this exam, not because they want to because they have too.  The FMCSA requires drivers to get periodic physicals and to maintain an active medical card.  We have people that I have seen 7-8 times at this stage and look forward to continuing that relationship and trend for the years to come.

I’m reiterating this fact because recently we have found that most companies are looking for a one stop shop for all of their DOT needs. Part of that need is for drug and alcohol testing. These are fairly straightforward parts of the process but there are certain criteria’s that needs to be met in order to accomplish this task. We have met those requirements.

A couple of months ago we made the conscious decision to go all in on the profession as a whole. Chiropractic and acupuncture will continue to be the main focus of the practice but you will continue to see a push to engage companies and professionals that need a drug testing program for the work place or just need to be a part of a consortium for the FMCSA in order comply with DOT regulations.

We have purchased the equipment and have the expertise in order to perform these services. Over the course of the next few months to years, we hope to expand and be the go to office for all of the needs for DOT and drug testing needs.  Mobile services will soon be available as well as we work through the needs of individual companies. Convenience is going to be the motto as finding reliable testing in the area can be tough.

The goal and mission of this service is to start small, with local companies to gather a vast understanding as to the needs of the community as a whole and growing from there. Envisioning the growth will be much like the DOT physicals that we have performed, doing a few on a weekly or monthly basis until we are very comfortable with the process until it becomes almost second nature for myself and the office staff that will be helping with the systems that are set in place.

Finding the processes that work for the offices is the easy part, it’s the execution that can become difficult. We look forward to running a very efficient FMCSA compliant office in regards to DOT physicals, drug testing and breath alcohol testing that people feel comfortable with the process and that their paperwork will be ready, willing and compliant. If this is a process that you would like to join on the ride with us please reach out to us, as many renewals are coming at the end of year and would love for us to take care of your DOT needs.


Providing effective natural chiropractic care to the Kearney Community.

Copyright by Spracklin Chiropractic 2023.