Just as Qualified as the Next Guy

As most of the patients of Spracklin Chiropractic know, we perform DOT physicals. We perform this service for local trucking companies, school bus drivers, persons that don’t necessarily need a CDL but need a medical card and for just people that are passing through on the interstate. The fact that I even have to write this post is quick ridiculous in the first place.
We are told everyday from patients that come in for their physical that they are informed by their medical doctor that they are more qualified to perform the physical. This is absolutely not true. The federal government is in charge of making sure that providers are qualified. We all sit through the same class and take the EXACT same test. Heck, I know of medical providers that were not able to pass the test. I think I was one of the first 10 people in the state to be certified back in 2013. So, if someone tells you that our clinic is not qualified to perform the exam, I’ll call BS every time.
Now, I will concede that there are people that need to see the primary care provider to perform this exam, as they have health conditions that need to be monitored more closely than we can provide in our office. If you have underlying heart or internal issues that need to be followed up with by a specialist, then more documentation may be necessary.
I initially took the Medical Examiner course because I thought it looked like an interesting topic for continuing education hours. A couple of weeks after I took the course, I took the test in Council Bluffs, as it was not offered around here, and passed the first try in about an hour. I did my fair share of studying but got through it. I never had any intention of doing as many physicals as I do, but come to find out, I’m ecstatic that I do.
Medical exams give me a break throughout the day and make you think about other health concerns not related to back pain. With the new office in Kearney, I essentially have a dedicated room where I perform these exams. The Minden office is in the same situation.
I have now reached the point where I’m embracing the fact that I want to actually expand the amount of DOT physicals that I perform. The issue arises from that fact that the area that I live in, there is a finite population in an area that is only so big for the number of providers to go around. So in order to have more people come in to our office, they are going to not go to other offices. Trust me, I don’t want to do them all day long but if I could do 2-3 more a week, this is what I’m aiming for.
We do not perform drug testing in the offices. I’m actually certified to perform them, but have absolutely no desire to perform them. This is a service that I outsource.
When a patient walks in and needs a DOT physical, we perform the exam and get everything ready to go. It’s not a crazy comment to hear when the person says, that’s the most in depth physical that I have ever had for a DOT physical. This is a little nutty for me because I look at it as “Aren’t we all supposed to be doing this?”
So, if your provider ever tells you that they are more qualified to perform a CDL examination, by all means let them perform your exam but just know, we can provide the same physical in a shorter time period for nearly half the cost of most clinics. I have a National Registry number just like everyone else that performs these and would feel honored to perform a physical for you or your company.