I Worry….A Lot!!!

This past weekend, the Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association spring convention was hosted in Omaha. It was the first time in 6 years that I have not gone to a convention. Our continuing education hours reset in August as well and convention is where most chiropractors get their hours. I have my required hours for the two year time frame, but I’m the guy that worries about, what if the hours that I have somehow get disqualified?
I genuinely could not justify going to convention this past weekend when I have all of my continuing education hours and I am going to be out of the office from Wednesday to Saturday this week. So all day Friday I felt like the bad kid skipping class. Ask my classmates, I never missed class, but that sense of guilt is really hard to break.
As I have stated in the past, I am on a mission to pay off my student loans. Every month I look at my bank account and make sure that the money is all in order for the automatic withdrawal to go smoothly. This worry will eventually go away when the loan is paid off but it is still a stress point for Kristina and I. We have made a massive dent in the amount that I owe and the goal is to have this paid off sooner rather than later.
Every week and month, I know exactly how many patients I need to see in order to make the offices go. I take this on a week by week basis as it seems to be a day to day goal as opposed to looking at the numbers at the end of the month. This might sound crazy but it is one of the few things that make my mind tick and work like it does. So, I worry when Wednesday and Thursday roll around and take note that it has been a slow week.
Every week, the number is attained and we continue to keep going. I have started to lessen on this, as I seem to worry a lot about something that is attained nearly every week. If it is not met, the next week makes up for the slight lag. Unfortunately, this stresses me out but it has been lessening with time.
Heck with the winter weather, I worry about not only getting to the given office on a day but how is the snow going to get scooped off the sidewalks. I guess this is just how I am wired, I hate it some days and love it the next. It allows me to keep accountability with myself and others.
Whether it be weather, travel, patient numbers, student loans or other things that seem to get me worked up, the office does seem to click along well with no major hiccups on a day to day basis. You would think that my blood pressure would be through the roof, but surprisingly it is good up to this point as well.
So, while I try to figure out how to direct my stress and worries (summer is a little better as I have the golf course to direct some of my energy), I will continue to show up and try to make a difference every day. When I am working, the stresses are minimal but try not to catch me in that weak moment as I can and will fret about the smallest of details if I allow myself to.
Business has been going well, patients are getting improvements and my blood pressure seems to be in check, so life is good at the moment and we hope to continue this momentum into the future.